
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Netflix Poster

This series was recommended to me by Netflix. It aired in April 2021. Since I love history and I certainly like anime, I jumped on the opportunity. The 6 episodes are short, less than 30 minutes each. There are rumors that this first season was just an intro and that more will be coming soon…

Yasuke is thought to have arrived to Japan as a slave in the sixteenth century. It is not known where from Africa he was from. Some accounts mention Mozambique others Sudan or Ethiopia. Yasuke is reported to have been a very skilled fighter. The viewer will not know or see much of him as the first Black Samurai. He stresses a lot on the concept of honor. However, all in all, the storyline is very meek. If more seasons / episodes are to follow, the script should be developed, with a focus on the fighting scenes. The sound track is quite catchy: I spent several days after the watch humming some of the tunes 🙂 🎶

Netflix poster

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I like anime, you enticed me to watch it!

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