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When we were kids, one of our favorite toys was a kaleidoscope. What is that? The kaleidoscope is an optical instrument made of mirrors that reflect objects in a symmetrical pattern. The colors and the shapes amazed us and enticed our imagination.

This section simply represent a wide array of colors on cultural, traveling and fooding explorations.

Would you like to join me on my discoveries and sightings? Come along and enjoy the ride :)

Traveling is my oxygen. I need it. Constantly.

Be it for work or pleasure, and I mostly mix both, traveling to me is so much more than just taking the plane to a different location. It is in fact one of three essentials that I absolutely need in my life. With travels, I keep dreaming, learning, and finding out about new things and re-discovering old ones.

My bucket list of countries to visit is still long, even though I have been to the five continents already. I am working on shortening this list as much as possible 😊

Books are best friends to me. They each speak their language and convey their own message. Whereas plays and films, while being considered part of what we call cultural events, provide a certain perspective on things and leash our imagination in channeling it into one or multiple directions.

You guessed right: my preference goes to books, in audio or readable format and I have to admit paper books provide me with an unmatched journey of the olfactory and touching senses...

When I met my best friend some 25 years ago, I was someone who didn't like food much. I am grateful that our friendship introduced me to the joys of the palate and that I recently became a person who loves experimenting in her kitchen and exploring new flavors and dishes. Yup. That's my culinary metamorphosis...