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We all get bombarded with quotes and positivity messages at the turn of a new year. Where in my eyes, December 31 and January 1 are days just like any other day, one quote I got to read a couple of times within the 24 hours, not intentionally mind you, got me thinking... It read: "Today is the first blank page of a 366-page book. Write a good one". Hmm. Stumbling upon the same quote several times within 24 hours sounded to me like too much of a coincidence.

And so, I started wondering what initiative could I start to make proper use of those simple words. Writing a book could be an option. However, not for this year. It is still on top of the bucket list of things I want to do, just not yet. So how about a page that is NOT going to be another collection of positive thoughts? This Jar, since I found the idea of a jar cute and in a way resembling the jar I use to collect wine bottle corks, will simply be a selection of thoughts, events, and maybe some feelings too that will cross my path during 2020. If you know me a bit, you certainly have heard me say: "I don't like even numbers". I really don't. And 2020 is too much of one. I'm surely not going to spend it ranting every day. I promise to keep it to one idea at a time. Well, mostly that is. Curious to find out more?

UPDATE: Dec. 31, 2020 This year has turned out to be a far more challenging and interesting year for me, on all levels. The only even thing about it was ... the number. In the end, I didn't keep my goal of publishing small writings in the Jar of Thoughts daily. I did my best to keep the "How Can I Help You Campaign" going on my personal FB page and I am currently thinking of ways to connect all those ideas. Stay tuned!

Earth Day

Since 1970, on April 22, we show our support for the protection of the environment. In almost all countries around the world, events are held to mobilize people in making a difference.

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International Day of Women and Girls in Science

"It matters little whether men or women have the more brains; all we women need to do to exert our proper influence is just to use all the brains we have", Florence Sabin, in her acceptance speech for the 1929 Pictorial Review Annual Achievement Award...

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Zero Tolerance To Female Genital Mutilation

Today is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.

Introduced in 2003 and sponsored by the United Nations, this action aims at eliminating such practices.

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I love books. They are my favorite companions.

And so it is very natural that I hoard them. And never on my dead body, would I give away my books!

It doesn't mean I don't share or gift them, no. I just enjoy touching, and smelling them. Eventually, I will read them. Or not. So what?

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World Cancer Day

In our era, probably each one of us has already lost a friend or a family member to cancer.

World Cancer Day aims at raising awareness and thus preventing millions of deaths every year.

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Vegetarian vs. Vegan

My cousins, who are animal lovers, changed their lifestyle/diets in their early twenties and adopted a vegan way of life since then.

I always wondered if it is healthy to completely avoid one type of nutrient...

Read on to find out more.

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January 31. Sleep

Yesterday, I wrote about nutrition.

Tonight, I am thinking of sleep.

This is another health concern...


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Palindrome Day

It has been several centuries since the last Palindrome Day happened...

And we get to witness it for ourselves. How grand is that?

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January 30. Nutrition

I'm so chaotic when it comes to my own nutrition.

It's not healthy. And I am already witnessing some health issues.

How shall I address this matter?

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January 29. Quaintrelle

It's a Wednesday evening.

After a long day at work, I can't wait to be home.

I just want to sit and let my mind wander...

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January 28. Stammtisch

Jetzt schreibe ich mal auf Deutsch.

Mal sehen, wie es raus kommen wird...

Bitte Verständnis dafür haben, dass ich schon sehr lange nichts auf Deutsch geschrieben habe :)

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January 27. Friendship

As I start my week, I am simply grateful to all my friends, who are always supportive and just a phone call away.

I am truly blessed and thankful to each one of you!

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