January 29. Quaintrelle

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

It's funny how my mind works. I left work a bit late and since I didn't have sports, headed straight home. I couldn't wait to pet my cats, get my aloe drink, walk barefoot to the living, set some jazzy music on and enjoy the peacefulness of the evening. I never worry about boredom. My mind keeps wandering and I could think for years in a row, hehe. For some reason, and since my phone was on me, I start browsing with no specific topic in mind. And I come across an interesting word: quaintrelle. What is that? My intellectual curiosity kicks in and I resort to asking my online best friend, Google, for a definition. The term describes a woman but isn't only applied to the female gender. It all started in the 1800s when females with dandy attributes were named dandzinettes. When the term dandy started to refer exclusively to men, quaintrelle, from quaint, become more of a female attribute. The definition can be found here. And what a quaintrelle simply is... a person who lives a life of passion. And it dawns on me that I plainly might be such a person, since I have experienced life as a constant exploration, of the mind, of the body, of the space. Hmm. Quite an interesting find on a weekly evening, don't you think?


Link to the Quaintrelle scripture

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