The Foodie's Corner

The Foodie's Corner

When I met my best friend some 25 years ago, I was someone who didn't like food much. I am grateful that our friendship introduced me to the joys of the palate and that I recently became a person who loves experimenting in her kitchen and exploring new flavors and dishes. Yup. That's my culinary metamorphosis...

This section will expose a zest of my creativity in regards to my not so "by-the-book" mixes of various foods. I herewith invite you to embark with me on a culinary journey, what I concoct is mostly simple and tasty 😁. It might not be the most daring way to mix things together but it surely is a very colorful one 😉 I also share with you food health tips, because as Hippocrates expressed it a long time ago: "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food".

To those who would prefer reading my restaurant reviews, follow me on Zomato.

Oven-Baked Lionfish


Yes. I am not a seafood fan.

This is however so easy to make, you are going to love it!

Read on for the simple recipe.

German Dumplings, aka Knödel


The foodie posts are back for the rest of this month!

This is the recipe to make delicious Knödel at home.

Read on for more...

Banana Chocolate Fondant


Yes. I am not a smashed banana fan.

And it's only recently that I started enjoying chocolate.

This cake is simple and doesn't require too many ingredients.

So how about you read on for the recipe?

Red Lentil Flatbread


I have been curious about this recipe for a while.

And it wasn't until last week that I gave it a try.

Extremely easy and fast to do... and deliciously customizable!

For details, read on 😋

Pain Perdu


This is an extremely easy and fast treat to make.

You can enhance its presentation with different and simple goodies.

Read on for my way to serve this delight!

Vegan Cheese Sauce With Nooch


Yes, you read right. It's vegan and cheesy. And obviously yummy!

Are you curious to try this recipe out?

Read on for the details.

Easy Orange Cake


I am back with Friday's foodie posts for 2023!

This is actually a mix of 2 recipes I saw online and the result was simply succulent.

Read on for the recipe!

Brain Foods - Wine


It's the end of 2022 and many of you will be drinking their way into 2023.

Is wine good or bad for our brains?

Read on to find out more!

Brain Foods - Celery


Today, I look into celery.

An inconspicuous green, this veggie should not be skipped!

Read on to find out why...

Brain Foods - Olive Oil


Another brain indispensable that most households have in their pantry is olive oil.

This "liquid gold" as labeled by Homer, the Greek poet, has been at the center of Mediterranean cuisine for millennia.

Read on to discover its health benefits and some tips on how to pick a good batch.

Brain Foods - Eggs


An additional brain essential, that had been vilified for several decades.

How are eggs a favorite brain food?

Read on to find out more!

Brain Foods - Nuts


Our brains are powerful tools that consume a lot of our energy.

To stay healthy, this amazing organ requires several nutrients.

Let's check nuts in this post. Read on to find out more!

Brain Foods - Berries


The end-of-year festivities are nearing at high speed and everyone around me seems tired. Irritated. Or simply overwhelmed.

It could be weather-related. Lack of good sleep. Or our exhausting, always-on-the-run lifestyle.

In this series started more than a year ago, I explore foods that are good for our brains.

Today, I'm looking into a favorite, berries!

Read on to find out more...

Warm Potato Salad


I am a potato lover. Couldn't be more normal for someone who embraced the German nationality more than 3 decades ago.

And when I grill German white sausages with herbs for my guests, a potato salad is on the menu.

Read on for the recipe!

Simple Apple Bread


Another simple bake.

You will enjoy preparing it and it's yummy!

Read on for the detailed recipe and some tips 😋
