Oven-Baked Lionfish

Friday, November 24, 2023

Yes. I am not a seafood fan! Yet, this is so easy to make, I loved preparing it!

3 cleaned lionfish
Salt and pepper to taste
Minced garlic to taste
Lemon pepper powder to taste
Juice from 1 medium-sized lemon


Fresh herbs: thyme, rosemary, parsley for the garnish (optional)
1 large teaspoon of white wine (optional)

In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Brush this mixture on the fish from all sides and sprinkle the lemon pepper powder on top. Let the fish marinate for about 10-15 minutes.
I prefer baking sheets to aluminum foil but feel free to use whichever you have at hand. Place the fish on a baking tray in a loose pouch made with the baking sheet. Add the wine if you want. You can skip this step if you prefer the dish without alcohol. Cover the fish well so that liquids will not evaporate. Make sure the pouch does not touch the top of the fish.
Grill for about 13 minutes in the oven at medium heat.
Once baked, place the fish on a serving plate and garnish with the fresh herbs. You can add a squeeze of lemon if you want. Serve it hot with a side salad.

Et voilà! Bon appétit 😋😋😋

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