Advent Calendar Day 22: White Quartz

Friday, December 22, 2023

December 22: the white quartz is a versatile gemstone. It is popular for its natural beauty and is believed to intensify energy levels, boost intuition, and support emotional balance and harmony by alleviating stress and anxiety ✨
Often used while meditating or praying, the white quartz promotes spiritual awareness and enlightenment. It can increase mental clarity and focus and hence is ideal when you are looking for a deeper insight ⚡️
While the white quartz can activate all chakras, its main connection remains to the crown chakra. It represents all 4 elements, Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. It purifies from negative emotions and clears blockages ⚡️
White quartz is a Capricorn ♑️ birthstone. The Earth element sign is ruled by Saturn and the white quartz adds to its personal power, its discipline and commitment, and of course its vision for success ✨
Can’t wait to check tomorrow’s crystal 👻 what about you?

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