Enjoy the content

The coding and the skin for my blog's website were completed by Mario a few years ago. He had worked relentlessly to get the features as I wanted to have them and helps me out with any coding matter that arises.

Since then, I have enjoyed writing and publishing short and longer posts, in different categories. Many of you have also provided me with constructive comments/feedback and thus assisted me on this journey.

Being an avid learner and always scientifically curious, I still look forward to your constructive messages and notes for "It is good to rub and polish our brain against that of others" - Michel de Montaigne, French Renaissance philosopher and writer.

Feel free to browse across the sections/categories and send me comments and suggestions by email or through any other platform. Happy reading :)

World Cancer Day


In our era, probably each one of us has already lost a friend or a family member to cancer.

World Cancer Day aims at raising awareness and thus preventing millions of deaths every year.

Vegetarian vs. Vegan


My cousins, who are animal lovers, changed their lifestyle/diets in their early twenties and adopted a vegan way of life since then.

I always wondered if it is healthy to completely avoid one type of nutrient...

Read on to find out more.

Palindrome Day


It has been several centuries since the last Palindrome Day happened...

And we get to witness it for ourselves. How grand is that?

National Freedom Day


A new month into 2020.

This year seems different... will it really be? And to what extent?

January 31. Sleep


Yesterday, I wrote about nutrition.

Tonight, I am thinking of sleep.

This is another health concern...


January 30. Nutrition


I'm so chaotic when it comes to my own nutrition.

It's not healthy. And I am already witnessing some health issues.

How shall I address this matter?

January 29. Quaintrelle


It's a Wednesday evening.

After a long day at work, I can't wait to be home.

I just want to sit and let my mind wander...

January 28. Stammtisch


Jetzt schreibe ich mal auf Deutsch.

Mal sehen, wie es raus kommen wird...

Bitte Verständnis dafür haben, dass ich schon sehr lange nichts auf Deutsch geschrieben habe :)

January 27. Friendship


As I start my week, I am simply grateful to all my friends, who are always supportive and just a phone call away.

I am truly blessed and thankful to each one of you!

January 26. The Black Mamba


It's a shock.

Kobe Bryant just passed away with his daughter Gianna.

What a loss...

January 25. Chinese New Year


It's time once more for celebrations that last a fortnight... not the game, the number of days!

The Gluten Free Diet


Number four in the series, this article sheds some light on gluten and the intolerance associated with it, and what to do when you suffer from it.

January 24. Road Repairs


It's wintertime. And it has been raining heavily in the past couple of days.

Our infrastructure lacks maintenance and proper outlines in general.

Here is what happened today...

January 23. The Piano



What an elevated way to reach the soul!

And some instruments, ah...

January 22. Wanderlust


It's time.


To plan for some traveling...
