Enjoy the content

The coding and the skin for my blog's website were completed by Mario a few years ago. He had worked relentlessly to get the features as I wanted to have them and helps me out with any coding matter that arises.

Since then, I have enjoyed writing and publishing short and longer posts, in different categories. Many of you have also provided me with constructive comments/feedback and thus assisted me on this journey.

Being an avid learner and always scientifically curious, I still look forward to your constructive messages and notes for "It is good to rub and polish our brain against that of others" - Michel de Montaigne, French Renaissance philosopher and writer.

Feel free to browse across the sections/categories and send me comments and suggestions by email or through any other platform. Happy reading :)

January 21. Moon Hours


Sometimes I ride out at night and try to immerse myself in the mysteries of the skies, away from people and light pollution.

In those moments, the moon looks sort of magical...

January 20. Birthday Dinner


My friend wanted to take me out on my birthday.

I said yes. And so we met in Ashrafieh after we both finished our sports training.

Read on for the review of the dinner.

January 19. My 2020 Vision Board


It's my birthday.

I'm turning 42 today. Yey!

What special activity can I undergo today?

January 18. House Deco


True. I am interested in beautifying spaces.

No. I didn't study architecture or interior design. I almost did and then went for something totally unrelated.

What I actually found out about decorating my home, which is an ongoing project still, is that I enjoy it and that my visitors mostly want to know more about my ideas...

January 17. Writing


This evening, I let my mind wander. And I end up thinking about... writing.

Quite interesting. I don't write professionally. I haven't written an academic paper in ages now.

So what about my writing activities?

January 16. Astrophotography... And A Calendar


I met Maroun Habib, aka Moophz, in 2019 to buy his Astrophotography calendar.

This highly talented artist is actually a cyber security specialist by day and an astrophotographer, obviously, by night.

It is important to note that he was featured twice in 2018 on NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day.

January 15. Sa3ed or Helping Out


Talking with a friend about the current situation in Lebanon made me realize that I wanted to do something more concrete for my people.

Yes, I do consider myself a Lebanese, even if I can't hold a Lebanese passport.

And it pains me to see how much suffering there is around us. That's how tossing ideas back and forth got me to this initiative that will be hopefully launched soon.

January 14. A Day At The Spa


With age, not that I'm getting old, just older, I just want some time to relax, away from work, home, and the daily routines.

What better gift could I offer myself than being pampered at Kimantra Spa?

January 13. A New Initiative Is Born


As my birthday approaches, I think more and more about a new campaign to be launched on my personal Facebook page.

It's like a contribution of some sort, for having the privilege of adding one more year to my experience of the school of life.

Now, what shall this input be?

January 12. Making A Stand


Born a rebel, and having a high sensitivity to causes related to the environment and the protection of local heritage, are enough to have me take a stand on what is happening in the Bisri Valley, in Lebanon.

This is a beautiful spot in Lebanon that its government is endangering with its Water supply project of a dam. Submerging this area is a man-made natural catastrophe and needs to be countered.

January 11. Music, Language Of The Soul


I frequently express how music makes me feel. It transports me to another world, a spiritual one, where I am absolutely free. And light.

The concert "Vienna in Beirut" that I attended the previous night was more than delectable nectar. It simply infused me with happy vibes...

And tonight, since friends are coming to have drinks, what music are we going to discuss and listen to?

The Lactose Free Diet


This is the third post of this series after the Low cholesterol lifestyle and the Keto diet.

This post is helpful to lactose-intolerant individuals.

If you want to find out more, read on!


January 10. The Full Wolf Moon


It's Friday evening. I just enjoyed a very nice music concert and I'm driving home.

I can't help but notice how beautiful the moon looks and wish I could take some pics of it.

I call up my friend who is into astrophotography and find out he is already up the mountains with some friends to shoot the beauty!

January 9. Working Out


I used to be addicted to my daily home workout routines. Yes. You are reading correctly. With an "s"...

Working out as soon as I got up, very early every morning, and many times also as soon as I got back home, allowed me to enjoy life to the fullest.

Those days are long gone. And I do acknowledge that it is healthier to incorporate working out into your daily schedule...

January 8. Going To The Dentist


I believe no one likes going to the dentist. Not even dentists like it!

As I rush out of work to make my appointment, I mentally take note of what I will be sharing with you next :)
