January 9. Working Out

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Back in the days when I led a military-style life, I used to work out at home at 4 am to kickstart my day. I had very energetic, long days then. Between work and university classes and hanging out with friends. A pretty much full schedule. I slept very few hours. Ate as much as I wanted and felt like it. At any time of the day. Those days are gone. I noticed that I am still waking up relatively early, no matter how late I went to bed but I didn't find the motivation to drag my ass up at 4 am to exercise. And I don't need to do that! I have accepted that it is a must to treat myself kindly. And since I enjoy being healthy, it was important to make some lifestyle changes to fit the way my schedule is currently set. Over the past decade, I have put on about 15 kilos. That's a lot for a petite frame like mine. Luckily, since I gained weight all over my body and not in a specific spot, I don't look obese. I am a foodie at heart and dieting was never a real option. I did visit a couple of dieticians and either got bored in the middle of the process or didn't reach the set goal. So I finally decided to let that go. I will change my way. So on January 1, 2020, I started my year by exercising again from home. A short 25-min high-intensity training, with my favorite digital sports buddy. And it felt so good that I was again looking forward to my weekly training. Mondays and Thursdays are EMS training, while Wednesdays and Fridays are private sessions with the best trainer I could ever get, Karim. I also am paying more attention to my water and food consumption to keep the balance. It's all about balance after all. Let's see how the numbers improve over the next couple of months :)


Link to Auntie Acid's workout tip

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