Vegetarian vs. Vegan

Monday, February 3, 2020

Being a vegetarian means you will not consume any meat, poultry or fish/seafood, or anything produced from animal slaughter. Some vegetarians avoid dairy and eggs, as originating from animals and most of the time in barbaric conditions. See, vegetarians care about the well-being of animals and the environment. They tend to refuse to spend money on clothes and beauty products that exploit animals in cruel ways. Vegetarians believe they can nourish themselves from other sources, mostly fruits, vegetables, and grains, and do not need to (over-) exploit nature and be cruel to other beings. Vegans are strict vegetarians who also avoid all animal by-products. It is hence very important to make sure that you ingest your daily dose of nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B-12, and vitamin D from non-animal sources to remain healthy. And you can read the labels carefully to make sure you are buying any attire or cosmetics from or tested on animals. This is intended as a reduced negative impact of our species on the resources of Mother Earth. After all, these natural reserves are not unlimited and the world population is growing by the day...


Link to the vegan vs. vegetarian cartoon strip

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