

When we were kids, one of our favorite toys was a kaleidoscope. What is that? The kaleidoscope is an optical instrument made of mirrors that reflect objects in a symmetrical pattern. The colors and the shapes amazed us and enticed our imagination.

This section simply represent a wide array of colors on cultural, traveling and fooding explorations.

Would you like to join me on my discoveries and sightings? Come along and enjoy the ride :)

Festive Foods - Squash Soup


Whether Christmas will be white at your end, or not, how about you kick off your dinner with a tasty bowl of squash soup?
Read on for the recipe and some health info too!

Festive Foods - Sushi


It's December ... again. And this month, we all celebrate in different ways: some on the beach, others near the chimney.

In this series, I will be sharing with you festive foods that a lot of us enjoy.

Read on to find out what today's post is about!

Natural Immunity Boosters - Spinach


In this article, let's go beyond the Popeye the sailor man cartoon recommendations and check out the health benefits that spinach provides.

Curious yet?

Click the read more link below!

Natural Immunity Boosters - Citrus Fruits


In this article, I look closer at citrus fruits.

We all know they are loaded with vitamins and improve our body’s immune response to fight infections.

What are their other benefits? Let's find out!

Natural Immunity Boosters - Beetroot


The second article in this series explores the health benefits of this superfood, beetroot.

Read on to find out more!

Natural Immunity Boosters - Broccoli


With fall season and the weather change, it seems essential to boost our immunity and remain as healthy as possible.

This new series explores foods that strengthen the immune system.

Curious to find out more? Read on!

Robaiyat, Omar Khayyam


Translated from Persian

Edition d'Art H. Piazza, 1951

Tomato Bulgur Pilaf


It’s fall and finally time for some hearty dishes that don’t take much time to be ready to be served.

Read on for the easy recipe!

Spirited Away


Released in Japan on July 20, 2001

Homemade Ricotta Cheese


It took the current crisis situation in Lebanon for me to think of making ricotta cheese at home 🙂

Read on for the very easy recipe that requires only 3 ingredients.

The Wisdom Of Wolves


By Jim & Jamie Dutcher - narrated by Traber Burns, Kate Mulligan, Kevin Kenerly 

5 hours 4 minutes

Fruity Cold Cake


My apologies that this post was delayed by a day.

This might look or sound a tad complicated but it's an easy cake recipe.

Read on to find out more!
