Tomato Bulgur Pilaf

Friday, October 15, 2021

This hearty dish is usually made in colder times and is served with some yogurt or as a side.

For 4 people, you will only need the following ingredients:

1 cup coarse bulgur (preferably not the fine grain)

1 large onion

1 medium tomato

3 tablespoons of tomato paste

Coconut oil, or any vegetable oil of your choice

1 cube of veggie stock. You can use chicken stock of you are not a vegetarian

Salt and black pepper to taste


Start by finely chopping your onion and dicing the tomato.

In a medium pot, heat the coconut oil and sauté the onion for a few minutes. When the onion becomes translucent, add the diced tomato and stir for another 3-4 minutes.

Rinse the bulgur a couple of times and add it to the mixture in the pot. Increase the heat and add the veggie stock. If you prefer a non vegan dish, use chicken stock. The ratio of liquid (stock or plain water) is 1 cup of bulgur to 1 1/2 cups of water/stock. Add the tomato paste and stir. Add the salt and pepper, stir well, and let it simmer.

After the water is half way absorbed by the bulgur, lover the heat, cover the pot and let it cook for another 10 minutes.

Serve warm with some plain yogurt or a light salad. You can serve this pilaf as a side dish with some meat but take note that bulgur contains already more fiber and proteins than rice. And also more vitamins and minerals.

Bon appétit! 😋😋

Remember to share your pics and vids


Pilaf almost ready

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