Natural Immunity Boosters - Citrus Fruits

Friday, November 19, 2021

Pics from and Dreamland Publications

Citrus fruits include many types of fruits, such as lemons, limes, grapefruit and oranges. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C from citrus fruits doesn’t prevent colds. It does however stimulate the production of white blood cells, which fight infections. So your cold can last less time and be less severe. Vitamin C, an essential element in collagen, can also reduce the aging of your skin and prevent its sagging. The different types of citrus fruits have various amounts of vitamins and minerals but they all enclose vitamins A, C and B6, calcium, potassium, folate and magnesium.

The health benefits of citrus fruits are not limited to boosting your immune system. These fruits are high in phytonutrients and antioxidants, that do not only provide with the bright colors of the fruits and their unmistakable scents. They protect your body and can prevent many health issues, such as kidney stones or even some cancers as well as supply with anti-inflammatory aid. Citrus fruits can lower high blood pressure and are rich in potassium, than can fight water retention in your body. Citrus juice can also improve cognitive function according to some studies. Citrus fruits are also good sources of fiber, which helps digestion.

You can add tangerines, oranges or grapefruit to your salads, a splash of lime or lemon juice to your guacamole, a squeeze of lemon juice over seafood or even meat to keep it tender, maybe sprinkle some zest over your baking treats or simply dry some citrus slices and dip them in chocolate for a savory and healthy snack. Let your imagination and creativity guide you in your concoctions and you will be in for a delicious delight. You still need to consider some things when consuming citrus fruits. Their acidity levels are not all the same. They can harm your stomach if it is sensitive or even cause some damage to your teeth’s enamel. You can add some slices to your fresh water for the taste and to curb the acidity. Make sure to indulge in their nutritious supply with care and if you are not allergic to a specific fruit. Avoid them if you are on certain medication as they can affect the absorption or distribution of some medicine.

Bon appétit!

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