This is another timeless read about soul searching. It is short and full of big ideas. It makes you pause, reflect, then pick the book up again and go on reading. Published first in 1970, it has been published again later on. My copy is a recent edition. The writer, Richard Bach, uses the metaphor of Jonathan, the seagull, one of many seagulls in a flock, to show that when we follow our dreams, we achieve our goals and we can grow and become great. Jonathan loves to fly. He falls many times on his maneuvers, picks himself up and practices some more. It doesn’t matter to him that his kind and his parents are disappointed in him. He doesn’t want to conform and fails forward to success. The author inspires us to keep challenging ourselves and let go of the life and whatever no longer serves us to thrive. I definitely recommend this novel that makes one think 🙂