Natural Immunity Boosters - Spinach

Friday, November 26, 2021

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Spinach is a green vegetable that we grow for cooking or salads. Although it is very low on calories, it is one of the most nutritious produce. It is a rich source of minerals, and it is particularly high in vitamin K1 and A. That explains its antioxidant powers. Its main health benefits of spinach are:

- Potassium is one of the minerals found in spinach, and it helps lower blood pressure and fight off water retention

- Lutein is an antioxidant that protects our eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts that are age-related diseases

- Vitamin K is essential element to bone health and growth

- Vitamin A keeps the skin hydrated and can reduce wrinkles

- Iron is also a main nutrient found in Spinach. Our body requires it to make hemoglobin 

Spinach is a good detox ingredient that can also help with weight loss as it assists in removing toxins. Its supply in zinc and magnesium can as well accelerate sleep in our bodies.

Although spinach supplies with a lot of fiber, magnesium and calcium, beware of consuming too much of it as it could cause gas, cramps or even abdominal pain. If you are on a blood thinning treatment, consult your doctor before consuming spinach, which contains a lot of vitamin K. Spinach can be also added in smoothies for a kick to boost your immunity.

Bon appétit!

N.B. for a delicious Greenies soufflé, check a recipe I had previously share here. 


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