Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Another classic. That I obviously read in French, as well as in other languages since my first time. This book looks like a simple fable. Yet, it is brim with pointers at what is really important in life. Those little truths are inherent to children, who are born with them. And adults, unfortunately, tend to get rid of them as they grow up. Like questioning what we know. This is the only way for science to evolve. Being open minded and curious to find out about things makes life quite an interesting journey. And as the fox says, "one sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes".

The story is about a stranded pilot who encounters a young prince, traveling from planet to planet, seeking knowledge. While the pilot is fixing his plane, the little prince exchanges his experiences with him. They both learn how their differences and similarities can connect them. The storyline tackles loneliness, friendship, loss. The system of values brought forward relies on love, which is a cornerstone in the novella. It is clearly depicted that love is pervasive and inspires the individual to become a better person, full of compassion and altruism.

This novel is a must read, in any language you would like. Dating from 1943, it has since been published in more than 300 languages and idioms. So take your pick and enjoy the ride!

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