

Most of us quote René Descartes on his Cogito, ergo sum - I Think, therefore I am. So? What does it really mean and what am I referring to by using the term Cogito?

As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, Cogito represents the intellectual processes of the self.

Hence in this section, I include a first series on financial awareness by presenting complex concepts in a simple and accessible way. I additionally contemplate daily situations in "This And That". Starting January 2021, my FB campaign of “How Can I Help You” is now also published here and advertised on social media. Curious enough to know more? Feel free to read and comment :)

January 14. A Day At The Spa


With age, not that I'm getting old, just older, I just want some time to relax, away from work, home, and the daily routines.

What better gift could I offer myself than being pampered at Kimantra Spa?

January 13. A New Initiative Is Born


As my birthday approaches, I think more and more about a new campaign to be launched on my personal Facebook page.

It's like a contribution of some sort, for having the privilege of adding one more year to my experience of the school of life.

Now, what shall this input be?

January 12. Making A Stand


Born a rebel, and having a high sensitivity to causes related to the environment and the protection of local heritage, are enough to have me take a stand on what is happening in the Bisri Valley, in Lebanon.

This is a beautiful spot in Lebanon that its government is endangering with its Water supply project of a dam. Submerging this area is a man-made natural catastrophe and needs to be countered.

January 11. Music, Language Of The Soul


I frequently express how music makes me feel. It transports me to another world, a spiritual one, where I am absolutely free. And light.

The concert "Vienna in Beirut" that I attended the previous night was more than delectable nectar. It simply infused me with happy vibes...

And tonight, since friends are coming to have drinks, what music are we going to discuss and listen to?

January 10. The Full Wolf Moon


It's Friday evening. I just enjoyed a very nice music concert and I'm driving home.

I can't help but notice how beautiful the moon looks and wish I could take some pics of it.

I call up my friend who is into astrophotography and find out he is already up the mountains with some friends to shoot the beauty!

January 9. Working Out


I used to be addicted to my daily home workout routines. Yes. You are reading correctly. With an "s"...

Working out as soon as I got up, very early every morning, and many times also as soon as I got back home, allowed me to enjoy life to the fullest.

Those days are long gone. And I do acknowledge that it is healthier to incorporate working out into your daily schedule...

January 8. Going To The Dentist


I believe no one likes going to the dentist. Not even dentists like it!

As I rush out of work to make my appointment, I mentally take note of what I will be sharing with you next :)

January 7. Off Moods & Gratefulness


This is not a rant. I didn't have a bad day per se.

I am not complaining about it either.

It's just that sometimes things happen and you lose your balance. Just to regain it :)


January 6. Connect With Nature


It's Monday. And a public holiday.

The sun is shining high in the blue skies and it's warm for a winter day.

What else does one need to get out of home?

January 5. On Hypnosis and Consciousness


It's Sunday. The weather is wet and rather fresh. I have decided to stay home because my very close friend is visiting to hang out.

As I wait, my cats make themselves noticeable. The ladies evidently want to play. The interesting conversations I'm looking forward to will be started at a later stage with a human counterpart ;)

And as it happens, we catch up, get somewhat emotional and start talking about hypnosis and consciousness levels.

January 4. Chill day... or was it?


One of those Saturdays. Where I have many things to do and just decide to chill... and just do what I do without stressing out whether I do all I had planned to do or not 😊

January 3. It Smells Like Revolution Again...


As I wake up and check the news notifications on my phone, I read that Qasem Soleimani was killed in an air raid in Iraq. I immediately start checking the groups of rebels in Lebanon to see whether any action related thereto has already been undertaken. The day promises to be quite interesting...

January 2. Back to Work...


On the second day of the new year, I'm very energetic and eager to return to the office... how long will I sustain this mood?

January 1. How To Get Started...


I got all worked up about my idea. It's kinda exciting...

Now it comes to writing it down. And the first thought that comes to mind is, "How do I get started"?

I promised to keep it to one thought/idea/event a day. Let's see

Bye Bye 2019... 2020, I'm Ready!


Final thoughts as I peacefully spend the last evening of this tumultuous year reflecting and introspecting.
