

Most of us quote René Descartes on his Cogito, ergo sum - I Think, therefore I am. So? What does it really mean and what am I referring to by using the term Cogito?

As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, Cogito represents the intellectual processes of the self.

Hence in this section, I include a first series on financial awareness by presenting complex concepts in a simple and accessible way. I additionally contemplate daily situations in "This And That". Starting January 2021, my FB campaign of “How Can I Help You” is now also published here and advertised on social media. Curious enough to know more? Feel free to read and comment :)

Of Writing, Shackles and Human Magic...


Last year, on November 22, while heading to the airport, I felt the urge to write. Check my rant here.

I remember having mixed feelings: on the one hand, I was happy to go away from the organized chaos to take a breath of refreshing air, all the while wanting to celebrate Independence day in my country of birth...

This year felt totally different. And somehow I couldn't write about it. It was another event that triggered me. Read on to find out more :)

I Am Spartacus!



This is not a review of the movie starring Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons, and Tony Curtis.

It's about this secret fiber in my heart, itching to speak out loud. On the feelings I am experiencing and the uprise that got me closer to a people I previously felt little to no connection to...

In The Eye Of The Storm


More than 13 days into the Lebanese people's uprise, many things have happened.

Nothing too surprising so far.

Let's have a recap and sort of quick analysis of the facts.

Of Hope In Times of Destruction


Hardship. Perseverance. Resilience.

This is what the Lebanese people are facing daily...

Today's events are living proof. Read more to find out how.

From Ashes and the Phoenix


This "rant" is not about mythology. Maybe it should have been. It is not.

It is actually something I started writing more than a week ago and have been continuously updating since.

Read more to find out what I have been brooding about for the past 10 days or so...

Stop Sexual Harassment


I cannot keep my mouth shut when any weaker or so thought creature is assaulted. My friend, an accomplished mountaineer who can in no way be considered weak, has been molested earlier this year. What happened to her ain’t right, and requires to be spoken of to fight it! So many women still have to face the ordeal of sexual harassment. My friend's incident got me really upset and in between calls and messages, I killed time by researching a bit to find out what the laws in Lebanon regarding this matter looked like. I was disgusted. And I started writing...



The Lebanon we grew up learning about has always prided itself to be a country of freedom in the Middle East.

The recent events around the upcoming concert taking place on August 9, 2019, at the Byblos International Festival of Mashrou' Leila (Project Leila, for the non-Arabic speakers), a Lebanese indie rock band, are becoming beyond ludicrous.

Here are my 2-cents worth...

Article 7: How To Benefit From Debt


Well yes, one can surely benefit from being in debt. How so?

Payment cards are among us all and so many out there still hesitate to take advantage of them. Is it fear of not being able to repay the debt? Fear of spending without control? Or simply not knowing how to make use of the small yet practical plastic thing?

In this article, I will take you through the things to do, and obviously not to do, to enjoy using cards at your advantage and to remain debt free.

Article 6: Types of Plastic... Cards


Plastic is the new evil. On the environmental level.

Now on the financial level, it does provide with some advantages and in this article I will list the different types of cards

Article 5: On Lebanese Bank Secrecy...


Many people imagine sandy beaches and faraway islands when one mentions bank secrecy. And with a good reason.

Tax havens have mostly been located in such charming locations with flexible and little regarding AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Laws looking to attract the funds of wealthy individuals. But that is not always the case.

Let's take a closer look to at the Lebanese Bank Secrecy law and its current practices.

Open Source... A Love Story


I jotted the general ideas of this article back in 2013.

Here it is in its updated version.

Enjoy :)

Article 4: How To Choose Your Next Bank in 5 Easy Steps


Still rolling your eyes? By now, you should have ditched that habit when reading my statements…

Unfortunately, a lot of people pay too many (high) fees on the maintenance of their accounts and do not benefit properly from the large array of possibilities available to them.

I am herewith giving you my insights on the possibilities available on the Lebanese market.

B7ebbak Ya Lebnen... (I Love You, Lebanon)


I am heading to the country where I feel more home than Lebanon, and I cannot help but scribble down the following while being driven to the airport.

Many of you will certainly relate or to the least have experienced similar thoughts.

Feel free to drop a comment below.

Article 3: Bank Account Types


Modern times banking is not only about savings anymore. Banks are offering a multitude of products and also bank accounts. One could get easily confused and wonder, how many bank account types are there?

Let's check these out and understand what are the differences between these account types.


Article 2: International Banking Regulations 101


FATCA who?.. KYC what?? .. MC, would you mind speaking in something else than gibberish please?

Fair enough. Let’s delve into the world of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and modern days banking regulations.
