January 2. Back to Work...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

As I wake up in the morning, I feel excited to get back to work. Staying home on the last day of the year and avoiding people allowed me to recharge my batteries and I am up to take on any challenge that may come my way. I stretch myself and smile as I hear my cats miaow at my bedroom window. The princesses are hungry... I check my phone for the time. Damn! There are over 100 notifications since I put it away to charge past 2 am... and it's barely 6:30 am yet! Another loud mew gets my attention back to my pets. I hurry to dress and get out to feed them. It feels fresh and it's raining. My smile grows bigger: I love rainy, cold weather and I feel invigorated. I cuddle the trio one last time before closing back the terrace door and rushing to work. It takes a little more time than usual to reach the office but it's ok. I never get bored and I love driving. On to another day of solving problems, yey! Is anyone else feeling the same?

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