
45 Things I learned... 1


To celebrate 2023 and making it this far, I am coming back to writing with a new series:

Since I will be turning 45 in a few days 👻 here are 45 things I learned over the years.

Ready? Let's get started!

Rain, Benefits And Disadvantages


With the first good rain yesterday, I decided to dedicate a post to one of our survival elements.

Could it also be our doom?

Read on to find out more!



In the last part of this series on the classic ancient elements, I look into Aether, or Light of God.

Want to find out more?

Read on!

Earth, All Encompassing Element


The fourth element. Earth.

This post reflects on this major classic element.

Click on the “Read more” button below for more!


Air, Mind And Soul Symbol


In the third week of the Terra Mater section, today's contemplation is about Air.

One of the elements that the human eye cannot see, yet we cannot live without.

Read on to find out more!

Fire, Symbol of Life


Fire is considered the opposite of water as an element.

Many think of it as a destructive power, yet it entails so much more!

Curious to find out what I am alluding to?

Water, Essential Element


With this post, I am kickstarting the Terra Mater section.

I hope you enjoy it and that I will hear from you!

Today, I reflect on water, an essential element of our lives

Day 343 of Year 3


Spiritual energy flows in and produces effects in the phenomenal world - William James

So today, I’d like to share healing energy with everyone reading this, for every area in your lives 🙏🏻

Day 315 of Year 3


Since I am a child, I sense what energies are around me. Because your energy introduces you to me, before you even speak

Day 312 of Year 3


Starting a new working week with one of my preferred reads… it got me thinking how a connection between people is simply the energy that makes them feel seen, heard and valued so that they can give and receive without judgement and reap sustenance and strength from the relationship...

Day 278 of Year 3


In a world of algorithms, let’s remember the value and the importance of human connection. The outage of the social apps yesterday inspired this post

Day 252 of Year 3


I’m once more reminded to keep being true to myself. The rest will align sooner or later…

Day 224 of Year 3


Today was an energetically charged day…

Day 173 of Year 3


Today, I’m reflecting on the divine feminine. Could it be because my terrace and garden attract mostly female cats? 🤔

Day 149 of Year 3


The adage states that energy flows where the intention goes…
