Air, Mind And Soul Symbol

Monday, February 21, 2022
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After Water, and Fire, it is only normal to look closer to Air.

The element of Air is not visible to the naked eye. It is made of various gases and is rarely in a static model. Without it, breathing, and hence life, would have been pretty complicated for humankind. It is often associated with the divine. Like Fire, Air brings movement and can promote change. Although not tangible or apparent, it carries energies and therefore vibrations. Because of these characteristics, Air reminds us that there is more to the eye than we can see or sense. We have not learned to tame this element and many cultures associate magic with it.

When it comes to the environment, Air is vital. In recent years, we have been observing and monitoring air quality because our species cannot survive without oxygen. As do several other breeds. The industrial era has polluted much of our planet and this has impacted the biodiversity of several ecosystems. In our aim to imitate birds, our planes transport people and merchandise from one region to the other and contaminate the air with emissions that have a drastic impact at times. The repercussions of polluted air on our health are severe and can range from pneumonia to pulmonary chronic diseases.

What can we individuals do to lessen the harmful repercussions on the air quality?

- conserve energy at home and consume less whenever possible, even if your electricity is 100% from a renewable source

- buy and use equipment with the Energy Star label, replace your gas stove with an induction top because it consumes even less energy than a regular electric stove

- drive an energy-efficient vehicle if you can, carpool when possible, and use public transportation whenever available

- combine your errands to reduce trips and buy local and organic products every time you can

- plant more, for trees provide us with the oxygen we need

- use filters for your chimneys, replace them often to remain energetically efficient, and avoid fireworks that look beautiful and are a huge contributor to air pollution 

- reduce the usage of heaters and air-conditioners by adapting your clothing to the weather: you can add a sweater on when it is cold and use a ventilator if it's very hot!

Do you have other tips on how to reduce air pollution? Feel free to let me know!

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