Water, Essential Element

Monday, February 7, 2022
Water Circle, VectorStock

Water. An essential element for Life as we know it. An infinite and revolving pillar for our ecosystems on Earth. It is so important to us, that it influences our economies, politics and policies, and societies. Water is simply Life. When it's clean, it means health. We actually "never know the worth of water until the well is dry", Thomas Fuller. Water can be a symbol of harmony and unity. And also of frictions and dissent. When we look into the economics of water, we understand that it is not only energy. Its flow is a force, that many consider spiritual, and it keeps our realities in motion. It has cleansing and purifying attributes and is simply one of the greatest gifts of nature to our kind. Let us also remember that most of our body weight is water.


Currently, many peoples have to live with water scarcity. And it has become crucial to preserve, conserve and save on water. How do we do that with simple daily actions? Check the following list: I am sure you already do many of the recommendations, but not all!

- close the water tap when you don't use it, in the bathroom, in the kitchen.. or in the garden, and have your faucets and pipes checked for leaks. A small drip can waste more than 150 liters a day! A leaking toilet can even waste about 300 liters per day!

- keep a bottle of drinking water in the fridge to avoid wasting tap water while waiting for it to cool on hot days. Keep in mind that drinking cold water is not healthy. It is recommended that the water is at room temperature and preferably lukewarm. I know, you think it tastes awful, or like piss as the English would so gracefully say, but you can always add a squeeze of a lemon or some mint to flavor it😉

- take shorter showers by soaping up while keeping the water flow at its lowest... you can do it on your own or install a device to control the water flow

- avoid using your washing machine or the dishwasher for only a couple of items. A lot of modern appliances have eco saving features, but little tricks like washing dark colored clothes at a lower temperature than your whites can maximize efficiency by reducing water and energy consumption and hence pollution

- collect rainwater, water from your air conditioners, and even your dehumidifier to water your garden and house plants, and/or clean your terraces and balconies. This water is NOT to be cooked with or drunk. You can also use it for the car windshield, for the iron or your steam cleaner, and your indoor humidifier. Remember to water the plants at dusk or late at night, when the air is cooler. This way you avoid the water being evaporated and wasted. You can also add mulch around the roots of your plants and trees: it slows the evaporation of moisture.


What to do to make water potable?

- you can either let the water "settle" in a container before transferring it to a different one. Avoid plastic or stainless containers. Glass is best. This process, named sedimentation, separates the water from heavy particles like soil or small pebbles. Or you can use a filter to remove heavy metals and small debris.

- another way to purify the water is to boil it. To avoid the "flat" taste, let cool before transferring from one to another container, preferably made of glass. This oxygenation process helps get back a "taste" to your water

- treated hard water could be used in farming. This requires plants and factories and decisions and political planning. It can make excellent use of water resources and leave a lesser harmful imprint on our environment.


On a different note, water does not expire. The date you usually see on bottled water is an indicator more than anything else. After that date, the water might have a slight change in taste. When this occurs, you can use it to cook with it. Make sure to sanitize its container before re-using it. Water possesses an intrinsic value. It is considered healing energy in various spiritual communities. Since ancient times, water was and still is used as a purification or cleansing tool. Some even ascribe a sacred power to it. Water influences our emotions. People experience water as an invigorating and soothing factor. Ever taken a warm shower after a long, stressful day? It would immediately release your accumulated tension and relax your sore muscles. Do it consciously, and you could cleanse your aura and lift your spirits. This can be performed when you are taking a swim or practicing a water sport.


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