


In the last part of this series on the classic ancient elements, I look into Aether, or Light of God.

Want to find out more?

Read on!

Earth, All Encompassing Element


The fourth element. Earth.

This post reflects on this major classic element.

Click on the “Read more” button below for more!


Air, Mind And Soul Symbol


In the third week of the Terra Mater section, today's contemplation is about Air.

One of the elements that the human eye cannot see, yet we cannot live without.

Read on to find out more!

Water, Essential Element


With this post, I am kickstarting the Terra Mater section.

I hope you enjoy it and that I will hear from you!

Today, I reflect on water, an essential element of our lives

Day 359 of Year 3


December 25 is a special day to me.

First, it’s Jesus’ birthday and it also happens to be dad’s…

Thank you for inspiring me, along with mom, to become the best woman I can be.

Love you to the moon and back, dad!

 wish you health, happiness and blessings 🤗

Day 338 of Year 3


Because 2020 forced us to acknowledge that health is one of the greatest human blessings

Day 266 of Year 3


Celebrating the autumn equinox

Day 261 of Year 3


After a very long day, I’m satisfied and finally able to chill…

Day 227 of Year 3


Assumption Day would have been a celebration for many… except a horrible event shook the North of Lebanon late last night… May our Mother Mary inspire our hearts and bless us with grace to guide us to the Light!

Day 182 of Year 3


Mystic readings for tonight…
The most valuable prize of a man is his heart and his soul. Losers are those whose heart and soul are blinded… - Ibn Arabi
His creatures can fail to find Him in its primordial and original nature - Ibn Arabi

Day 179 of Year 3


Un bouquet “champêtre” qui fait du bien aux yeux.. et ça sent bon 😜

Day 174 of Year 3


I’m often asked why do I remain kind in the face of harshness and harm?

Life is short. I won’t be here forever.

But what I do will remain long after I’m gone…

Day 169 of Year 3


Another day brought more blessings… A reminder to keep my mind open for abundance & to remain true to my nature, no matter what 😊

Day 168 of Year 3


Laughing is, and will always be, the best form of therapy…
