How Can I Help You

How Can I Help You

A couple of years ago, our NLP coach, Roni Matar, introduced us to the "How Can I Help You" campaign, that had went viral, initiated and launched by Reham El Mellawani. The concept is alluring: by asking how one could help others, one had to be resourceful and many times, one would learn new things/ways by simply looking for a solution or just by thinking creatively on assisting others.

Hence, I started a trial campaign on my 40th birthday. At times, I had to deal with dimwits and many other times, I would be able to genuinely assist others, which is a pleasure. After receiving many requests to keep the campaign, I decided to do it on a daily basis. First, I would just ask the question. Then I started adding a quote about something that had inspired/marked me during that day. More recently, I started posting a picture/artwork or more to go with the text...

Now in 2021, as I start year 3 of this campaign, I'm aiming at connecting the posts on the blog and other social media platforms. Will see where that leads...

Day 15 of Year 3


I woke up to 2 beautiful messages from friends...

So I'm sharing some of the quotes related thereto

Day 14 of Year 3


Reflecting on life and death...

Day 12 of Year 3


Mostly, little referrals inspire my posts 🙂

Day 10 of Year 3


Sunday is usually a day to relax...and reflect 😊

Day 9 of Year 3


Recent studies and practices show how art heals.

Can you imagine your doctor prescribing a visit to the museum or attending a concert?

Very appealing!

Day 8 of Year 3


Many people are afraid because of Covid or other current instabilities...

Day 7 of Year 3


Today was a long strenuous one... and I’m grateful

Day 6 of Year 3


When I came across this picture, I had to pause.

How many things around us are simply enchanting and we just rush on and take them for granted?

Day 5 of Year 3


We sometimes connect strongly to another person.

It feels like we've known each other for ages when we have just met...

Read more!

Day 4 of Year 3


Now that the greetings and wishes for the New Year are behind us, let's get started with some nice quotes.

Feel free to comment and start a discussion when the sayings speak to you.

Day 3 of Year 3


I came across this Apache blessings / wishes and I they are worth a share!

Day 2 of Year 3


I received this beautiful message from my best friend in Brazil... and decided to share it with you all!

Pardon my translation as my Portuguese language skills are quite rudimentary 😊
