
Day 350 of Year 3


We just spent a great evening laughing.

And yes, laughter is the best therapy there is!

It boosts immunity and keeps the spirits high…

Let’s laugh some more 😁

Day 324 of Year 3


When I take a deep breath to pause and relax…

Day 289 of Year 3


Those who say only sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain…

Day 238 of Year 3


Music has always spoken to my soul, regardless of my mental state. That’s why you will often see my feet tapping whenever I like a tune 😜

Day 197 of Year 3


Food for thought. Beautiful message by the White Eagle from Hopi Nation

Day 179 of Year 3


Un bouquet “champêtre” qui fait du bien aux yeux.. et ça sent bon 😜

Day 167 of Year 3


At the end of the day, if I cut you off, chances are you handed me the scissors…

Day 163 of Year 3


It is said that families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.
I’m very grateful for mine!! 🙏🏻
To be noted that families are not necessarily blood related. It takes loyalty & unconditional love to create that close circle 😊

Day 160 of Year 3


La vie est belle…
Oh yes, it is!
It is the time that you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important - The Little Prince

Day 157 of Year 3


Today, I give thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻
For a beautiful day, spent with my beloved, celebrating my sister’s graduation.
Bahia, I am immensely proud of you, daktoora 😘

Day 156 of Year 3


On World Environment Day, let us remember to (re-)connect with Nature, feeling the ground, clearing our minds and experiencing our inner power anew…

Day 154 of Year 3


My grandma used to say: “ no one has ever become poor from giving”.. decades later, and from my own life experiences, I can add that it also makes a difference. And that’s what matters ?

Day 135 of Year 3


2020 was a “special” year to all of us. It taught me, the hard way, that taking time to live life can only inspire your work (Anonymous)

Day 131 of Year 3


Look around you. Appreciate what you have. Nothing will be the same in a month. Or in a year…
