

Most of us quote René Descartes on his Cogito, ergo sum - I Think, therefore I am. So? What does it really mean and what am I referring to by using the term Cogito?

As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, Cogito represents the intellectual processes of the self.

Hence in this section, I include a first series on financial awareness by presenting complex concepts in a simple and accessible way. I additionally contemplate daily situations in "This And That". Starting January 2021, my FB campaign of “How Can I Help You” is now also published here and advertised on social media. Curious enough to know more? Feel free to read and comment :)

Day 95 of Year 3


Rhythm is a dancer 💃🏻

Day 94 of Year 3


Easter always seems to push for new beginnings...

Day 92 of Year 3


Nails did not hold Jesus to the cross. Love did...
Thought on Catholic Good Friday

Financial Quiz - 03


This pop quiz concludes this month's quizzes.

Read on for last week's answers and the new series.

Day 87 of Year 3


Thoughts on a peaceful Sunday... enjoying the Worm Moon

Day 85 of Year 3


And... the weekend is here!
