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When I met my best friend some 25 years ago, I was someone who didn't like food much. I am grateful that our friendship introduced me to the joys of the palate and that I recently became a person who loves experimenting in her kitchen and exploring new flavors and dishes. Yup. That's my culinary metamorphosis...

This section will expose a zest of my creativity in regards to my not so "by-the-book" mixes of various foods. I herewith invite you to embark with me on a culinary journey, what I concoct is mostly simple and tasty 😁. It might not be the most daring way to mix things together but it surely is a very colorful one 😉 I also share with you food health tips, because as Hippocrates expressed it a long time ago: "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food".

To those who would prefer reading my restaurant reviews, follow me on Zomato.

Simple Apple Cake

This is an easy to make yummy dessert.

You only need a few ingredients.

Read on for the full recipe!

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Strawberry White Chocolate Chips Cookies

Another strawberry recipe that you are going to love!

I discovered this last week and had to try it and the result did not disappoint one bit.

Read on for the details.

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Tiramisu.. With A Twist

Combining my love of Tiramisu and strawberries.

The result was apparently quite tasty since everyone had a second serving

Read on for the recipe!

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Casquinhas De Siri

This is traditional Brazilian food, served in shells.

It is simple to make and quite yummy.

Read on for the recipe!

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Homemade Crunchy Nutella

Yes, I am not a chocolate fan.

I still love this super easy-to-make recipe.

Read on for the details!

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Refreshing Foods - Tabbouleh

This salad is a Levantine one, but I think the Lebanese version of it is the best 😁

It is actually one of my favorite classic Lebanese dishes, especially in the summertime!

Read on the authentic recipe of how we Lebanese make our tasty tabbouleh.

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Superfoods - Cauliflower

This is not one of my favorite veggies. But it is loaded with nutrients.

Want to know more about its health benefits?

Read on to find out more!

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Refreshing Foods - Cucumber Yogurt Salad

The temperatures are on the rise.

How about a refreshing dish that I prepare with a twist?

Read on for the recipe details!

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Superfoods - Blueberries

One of my favorite berries. Because I love many 😋😋

What makes blueberries a superfood?

Read on to find out more!

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Conchiglioni With Ricotta And Spinach

One of my favorite dishes, because it includes Ricotta 😋😋

Although it can take some time to be ready, savoring it compensates quite well.

Read on for the recipe!

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Superfoods - Mushroom

Can mushrooms be considered a superfood?

What would you say?

Read on to find out more!

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Superfoods - Avocado

In this series, I explore some foods that are loaded with nutrients and other health benefits.

How is avocado a superfood?

Read on to find out more!

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