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Traveling is my oxygen. I need it. Constantly.

Be it for work or pleasure, and I mostly mix both, traveling to me is so much more than just taking the plane to a different location. It is in fact one of three (3) essentials that I absolutely need in my life. With travels, I keep dreaming, learning, and finding out about new things and re-discovering old ones.

My bucket list of countries to visit is still long, even though I have been to the five continents already. I am working on shortening this list as much as possible ;)

Let me quote a favorite here: "To stay is to exist, to travel is to live". I am not sure who its author is. What matters to me is that it really sums up how I feel about traveling: I don't feel alive if I had to remain in one spot. The world is mine to explore and check out.

Saint Augustine said it beautifully: "The World is a Book and those who do not travel read only one page". So here comes my invitation to you to join me and delve into the pages of my books!