Pan-Seared Salmon With Black Rice

Friday, October 21, 2022

I had to make space in my freezer and didn't feel like standing in the kitchen for long hours. That's why I put up this dish together. You will need the following for 3-4 servings:

400 grams of salmon filet, cut into small cubes

200 grams of broccoli

2 garlic cloves

A pinch of ground bay leaves

Half a lemon

Half a clementine

Soy sauce to taste, I prefer the less salted one

Teriyaki sauce to marinate the fish

1/3 cup of black rice

1 tablespoon of coconut oil


Marinate the salmon cut into cubes in some teriyaki sauce. Rinse the black rice a few times and then soak it for a few minutes in the pot you will use to cook it. Add water until all grains are covered by at least 5 millimeters. Bring the water in the pot to a boil and cook over medium to high heat. I leave the pot uncovered and place the broccoli in my steamer basket on top of it. This way the broccoli gets steamed for 10-12 minutes or until they are soft and not crunchy anymore. Remove the steamer and the broccoli and set aside. The rice needs about 30 minutes to be cooked. It will turn dark purple, so don't panic, that's totally normal!

While the rice is getting done, warm the coconut oil in your pan over low to medium heat. Add the garlic cloves and some ground bay leaves. Enjoy the aromas but don't let your garlic get burned. Add the salmon filet cut into small cubes. I prefer the cubes because they get seared faster. With a wooden or silicone spatula, keep stirring to avoid anything sticking to the pan and to make sure all cubes are evenly cooked. Add the broccoli. After 1 minute, add some teriyaki sauce, and the soy sauce, and press the lemon and the clementine over your pan. Lower the heat, stir to mix well and let the flavors blend. Avoid over cooking the salmon as it will become dry and won't taste good.

Bon appétit 😋😋

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