House Of The Dragon

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

So far 9 episodes out of 10 of the prequel to the Game of Thrones have aired. You can read my detailed review of GoT here. This now is a chronological recount of House Targaryen that starts 172 years before Daenerys is born. Viserys I has not been king for a decade yet. His wife is pregnant and his young daughter, Rhaenyra, is a courageous and somehow rebellious girl. An heir needs to be "produced" to keep the Targaryen dynasty ruling over the Seven Kingdoms and from being torn to pieces from the inside. The King's brother, Daemon, is a hot-headed and cruel bragger and the soft King understands that the peace of the realm requires someone different. The persistent feeling the spectator will get is that this show is so much more political and full of schemes, intrigues, and betrayals than the Game of Thrones. It is also a display of allegiances and loyalties that are done, undone, and sometimes simply weird. With more dialogue, the various characters are shaped gradually, at a slower pace. Unfortunately, there were no powerful moments to make you gasp in surprise or enrage you at the sight of injustice. The dragon scenes are not left out, fortuitously, and I am sure you will enjoy them, along with all the medieval court ambiance. The music is still amazing, even if it seems sometimes recurrent to the Game of Thrones tunes. The last episode of this first season, because apparently a couple more are to be expected, will be broadcasted this coming Sunday. What will the finale be like? My guess is to be braced for some twist, to keep the viewers looking forward to what will come next...

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