NCIS Hawaii

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

NCIS Hawaii is still ongoing. I had occasionally watched one or two episodes. The narrative weave was interesting enough for me to be curious about the whole story. I was more familiar with other shows and wanted to be entertained with a crime thriller. And this was it! I still have to go through the other NCIS series of the same franchise. I will update you as I go :) NCIS Hawaii was launched in 2021 and the second season concluded in an open end this May 2023. The investigations were compelling enough to look up medical terms and police processes on the side, just making sure the narrative was not absolutely fictional.

Jane Tennant, the leading agent of the small team, is an admirable woman, raising her 2 children on her own and with a lot of insight. Jesse Boone is her "lieutenant" and steps in whenever she is impeached. Ernie Malik the computer wiz and Lucy Tara the petite field agent are key players. Kai Holman is the newest to join to the crew and is followed by Kate Whistler, who becomes the liaison with the FBI. Personal stories develop along the way in the midst of crime investigations and the constant pledge to resolve the committed infractions. An entertaining string of 44 episodes of about 45 minutes each. Enjoy!

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