Aloe Vera, My Ultimate Panacea

Monday, May 22, 2023

Aloe is a type of succulent that comes originally from the Arabian Peninsula. It can be naturally found in many tropical regions. This plant is simply remarkable and is used in a multitude of consumer products, such as:

  • juices,
  • cleansers,
  • skin lotions & creams,
  • ointments & cosmetics,
  • and many more.

I use aloe to moisturize my skin and scalp since its leaves are made of 95% water. That’s also why I hydrate my skin with aloe gel after sunbathing, and I use it to treat any kind of skin rash, insect bites, or burns -from the sun…or the oven 😁 You can also prevent and heal blisters with aloe. Some people remove makeup with aloe gel. I don’t wear makeup so I haven’t tried this out. But there are cleansers and scrubs made with aloe so I believe aloe can remove anything from your skin and rejuvenate it at the same time without the use of chemicals. And it may also reduce wrinkles 😉

Shaving can irritate the skin. That’s why using aloe-based shaving cream can be efficient and made at home. If you are in a hurry and don’t want to make the cream, you can apply the aloe gel directly to your skin and shave. This will provide a smooth outcome. On a side note, aloe, mixed with a few other natural ingredients, can make a shampoo that soothes the scalp, can clean your hair, and as well as helps with hair loss. It smells good and lets your hair shine while giving it a glow.

Drinking aloe juice, a natural laxative, can relieve constipation, reduce heartburn, and lower blood sugar. Aloe juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium. However, make sure you are not already taking medications that lower blood sugar levels and consult your physician. Some people are allergic and could suffer from stomach cramps or vomit when consuming aloe juice.

It is said that aloe mouth rinse can kill germs, soothe inflamed gums, and freshen your breath. It can prevent dental plaque from building up if you add it to your daily dental hygiene routine. This is due to aloe having antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

You can grow your own aloe plant. Some key guidelines:

  • aloe requires 8 to 10 hours of sun daily,
  • in a temperate and tropical climate, it can grow outside,
  • the plant needs some shade and hot conditions might get it burned,
  • aloe is adapted for dryness which means it thrives in well-draining soil and might rot when it is watered constantly
  • remove weeds that grow too close to the aloe plant
  • when the aloe plant has reached the boundaries of its planter, it will produce pups that you can use to propagate when they have matured a little
  • you can also grow a new plant from a seed, but this process has a lower success rate.

Happy gardening 🌱🌱🌱

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