Lorenzo's Oil

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

This morning, a friend shared a short video from Lorenzo's Oil. This old flick was first released 30 years ago, in 1992... It is based on the true story of Lorenzo, son of Augusto and Michaela Odone. Lorenzo, who used to be an active and healthy child, is diagnosed with ALD, adrenoleukodystrophy, a disease that causes damage to the myelin, which can result in seizures and hyperactivity, and lead to his death. At the time, the afflicted parents, who do not want to resign themselves to see their son just perish, do everything in their powers, to research, contact scientists, and question doctors all over the world to find a cure. They end up discovering a medicinal oil made of olive and rapeseed oils, that when added to their son's diet stabilizes his condition and acts as an antidote.

This motion picture will at times move you, especially when you see the courage and the perseverance of those parents to save their son's life. They did not simply assume that doctors knew best. They didn't just pray and wait for a miracle to happen. They couldn't rely on what science knew, for it didn't have a remedy for ALD. They actively explored, investigated, consulted. Relentlessly. One particular sentence, expressed poignantly by Susan Sarandon, the mother of Lorenzo in the film, caught my ear: "so what you're saying, is that our children are in the service of medical science. How very foolish of me... I always assumed that medical science was in the service of the sufferers"... Doctors, and also parents of children with ALD, didn't want to believe that a simple and natural solution could have saved countless lives. And that's a pity!

What this real-life experiment demonstrates is that, even with a genetic disorder, an appropriate diet, with non-medical components to it is very well capable of rectifying the shots. Some research also points out that several mislabelled genetic diseases can be traced back to a vaccine and medically induced gene mutation. For instance, recent studies revealed that Gardasil injections triggered ALD! Gardasil is commonly referred to as the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine. These jabs were supposed to protect women from contracting a sexually transmitted genital infection. What they did was cause infertility in too many cases. How shocking is that when the purpose of medicine is to induce healing and the pursuit of a well-functioning body/organism... This is something to definitely ponder upon!

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