When it comes to cooking with the Blind Chef, it is essential to understand that you do not need to be a perfectionist. It is very much okay if the looks of the same dish will not be 100% the same on two different occasions, especially if the nutrition value and taste are still there!
This is a lesson I encounter on a regular basis, especially in the making of my Gluten-Free Bread, Gluten-Free Healthy Omelettes, Onion Soups, etc. I learned to indulge my food creations, because that is how you master how to mix and match: sometimes when you go by book and more often than not, by simple chance.
So even when sometimes the dishes differ slightly in the look, color, or size, I still take this as something special, since the elements of surprise and excitement are always regularly there! After all, creativity is not perfect either, is it?
Pierre, the Healthy Foodie