Lessons I Learned From My Blind Chef - 2

Friday, January 22, 2021

When it comes to cooking with the Blind Chef, it is essential to understand that you do not need to be a perfectionist. It is very much okay if the looks of the same dish will not be 100% the same on two different occasions, especially if the nutrition value and taste are still there!

This is a lesson I encounter on a regular basis, especially in the making of my Gluten-Free Bread, Gluten-Free Healthy Omelettes, Onion Soups, etc. I learned to indulge my food creations, because that is how you master how to mix and match: sometimes when you go by book and more often than not, by simple chance.

So even when sometimes the dishes differ slightly in the look, color, or size, I still take this as something special, since the elements of surprise and excitement are always regularly there! After all, creativity is not perfect either, is it?

Link to Perfect Not sign

Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

From flickr.com

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