Lessons I Learned From My Blind Chef

Friday, January 15, 2021

In this short series, I will be sharing some valuable lessons I learned while cooking with my hero, my mother, the blind chef!

Starting with this one, I would say one of my favorite lessons is that Fusion takes food to a whole new level!

I still remember one time when I was a kid, mom confused the Ketchup Jar with the Nutella Chocolate Jar while making pasta. A friend of mine had been invited to our place, and guess what? I decided to give it a try anyway. This was back in 2001, and in those years chocolate pasta was not what you would call trending. I loved it anyway!

Once I started growing older and turning into the healthy foodie I am, mom expressed her creativity in fusing food altogether; especially sauces. For example, she cooks chicken breast with labne cheese dressing and tahini. We mix peanut butter and eggs. We do crazy stuff, and the crazier the fusion, the better!

So don't be afraid to insert ingredients you love together, especially when it is not something you have tried before. Get creative and enjoy the food!


Link to Con-fusion cartoon

Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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Häufig ist eine Mischung von Aromen seeeehr intensiv und erfreuen unseren Gaumen.
Manchmal passt es aber auch so gar nicht.
Umso mehr freut es mich das sooo viele Rezepte heute online zu finden sind und der Kreativität sowie der multiplizierung von Erfahrungen somit freien Lauf gelassen wird.

Einige konkrete Ideen (jenseits der Schokoladennudeln) wären interessant.

Tja ich bin kein Schokoladen-fan aber ich muss sagen die Idee war schon kreativ!

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