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This section englobes point of views and perspectives on certain topics.

Currently, the "Financial Awareness 101" section aims at portraying financial operations in a simple way while providing some tips and tricks.

Writing makes me feel balanced. That is how "This and That" saw the light as it represents a collection of thoughts in a specific context.

Growing Your Gold Crest Shrub

I planted this shrub about 2 months ago.

I hope it's not going to die on me...

Read on for tips to grow your Gold Crest shrub

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Caterpillars, Pros And Cons

A few weeks ago, I wrote about butterflies 🦋 

Then, a few days ago, I spotted a caterpillar on my favorite plant 😱

What to do?!

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Caring For Your Hydrangea Shrub

Hydrangeas remind me of my tayta. That's grandma in Lebanese. She used to have so many of them, in various barrels and planters and different colors.

Are you planning on adding that shrub to your garden?

Read on for tips on how to care for it and more!

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Centipedes... Good guys?

What are centipedes?

What is their natural habitat?

What do we do when spotting one or more in or around our homes?

Do they bite?

Are they poisonous?

Many questions that you can have answers to when reading this post.

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Gardenia And Its Benefits

Gardenias are evergreen trees and many species exude a solid and beautiful scent.

What other benefits do they provide?

Read on to find out more!

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Are Butterflies Pests Or Blessings?

I have been noticing more butterflies in my garden recently.

Are they to be considered pests or blessings?

Read on to find out more!

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Digger Wasps In Your Soil

What are digger wasps?

Do they sting?

Are they harmful?

How do we control them? And is it a necessary action to take?

Read on to find out more.

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Basic Gardening Tips - Part 5

Have you heard of the farmer's almanac?

It has to do with gardening, and also much more!

Read on to discover this topic, if you don't know about it yet.

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Basic Gardening Tips - Part 4

Today, I'm going to look into soil quality.

What for?

Read on to find out!

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Basic Gardening Tips - Part 3

Today, I'm writing about my seeding trials.

It is highly gratifying when you see the first bud come out of the soil!

So let's make sure you create such a joyful experience. 

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Basic Gardening Tips - Part 2

The first thing I checked when I was set to plant new flowerbeds and create some new design for the landscape of my small garden was my blue barrel.

What for? I see you raising your eyebrow...

Because for more than a year, I had been collecting my organic food waste in it.

How is that of any relevance to my gardening activities?

Read on to find out more!

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Basic Gardening Tips - Part 1

Spring is here. While Nature is still getting ready, time for some planting and seeding! And if I can do it, so can you

This is a series of tips and tricks on what constitutes my simple gardening experience.

Awaiting your feedback!

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