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Let’s get something right out straight: I’m not your next financial guru. True, many of my friends and a lot people I encounter on both the professional and personal level have urged me to share my tips on financial topics because of my extensive experience in both the banking and corporate world… and especially when they know how I got out of half a million USD in debt within 2 years. But that is for another article.

So what made me proceed with writing about finance is the moment I realized that many people in Lebanon are in need for the awareness to manage their finances in a more balanced way.

Here come my 2-cents-worth in a financial series of small articles, dubbed “Financial Awareness 101” :)

3 Essential Tips To Surviving Uncertain times

Thought Monday's financial post got lost in the mail?

Think again!

Read on about practical tips to manage your finances in uncertain times.

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Cryptocurrencies And Crime

In this issue, I am tackling cryptocurrencies and the world of crime.

Read on to find out more!

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Cryptocurrencies. Modus Operandi

In this article, I will explore the different cryptocurrencies and expose briefly how the "system" works.

Curious to find out more? Read on!

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Cryptocurrencies. Intro

This will be a series of brief articles to give you an overview on a hot topic that is gaining more and more momentum.

Read on to find out more!

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Devaluation of the LBP, A Horror Story Come True?

Times are rough. Within a year, the Lebanese Pound (LBP) lost around 2/3 of its value.

How are the Lebanese coping with this crisis / situation?

Read on!

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Finances After The Holidays...

Overspending can cause a lot of stress.

In this article, I will share my two cents' worth on how to manage your finances during and after the holidays.

Read on to find out more!

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Article 7: How To Benefit From Debt

Well yes, one can surely benefit from being in debt. How so?

Payment cards are among us all and so many out there still hesitate to take advantage of them. Is it fear of not being able to repay the debt? Fear of spending without control? Or simply not knowing how to make use of the small yet practical plastic thing?

In this article, I will take you through the things to do, and obviously not to do, to enjoy using cards at your advantage and to remain debt free.

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Article 6: Types of Plastic... Cards

Plastic is the new evil. On the environmental level.

Now on the financial level, it does provide with some advantages and in this article I will list the different types of cards

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Article 5: On Lebanese Bank Secrecy...

Many people imagine sandy beaches and faraway islands when one mentions bank secrecy. And with a good reason.

Tax havens have mostly been located in such charming locations with flexible and little regarding AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Laws looking to attract the funds of wealthy individuals. But that is not always the case.

Let's take a closer look to at the Lebanese Bank Secrecy law and its current practices.

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Article 4: How To Choose Your Next Bank in 5 Easy Steps

Still rolling your eyes? By now, you should have ditched that habit when reading my statements…

Unfortunately, a lot of people pay too many (high) fees on the maintenance of their accounts and do not benefit properly from the large array of possibilities available to them.

I am herewith giving you my insights on the possibilities available on the Lebanese market.

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Article 3: Bank Account Types

Modern times banking is not only about savings anymore. Banks are offering a multitude of products and also bank accounts. One could get easily confused and wonder, how many bank account types are there?

Let's check these out and understand what are the differences between these account types.


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Article 2: International Banking Regulations 101

FATCA who?.. KYC what?? .. MC, would you mind speaking in something else than gibberish please?

Fair enough. Let’s delve into the world of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and modern days banking regulations.

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