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Let’s get something right out straight: I’m not your next financial guru. True, many of my friends and a lot people I encounter on both the professional and personal level have urged me to share my tips on financial topics because of my extensive experience in both the banking and corporate world… and especially when they know how I got out of half a million USD in debt within 2 years. But that is for another article.

So what made me proceed with writing about finance is the moment I realized that many people in Lebanon are in need for the awareness to manage their finances in a more balanced way.

Here come my 2-cents-worth in a financial series of small articles, dubbed “Financial Awareness 101” :)

Money And Currencies

Test your knowledge with this short and fun quiz on IG stories!

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Identity Theft 101

With the rampant digitization of services, identity theft happens more often.

Read on to find out more about it and on ways to protect yourself.

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Financial Quiz 08

We are back with a simple question on what is a Balance Sheet?

Play on IG story and read on for more info.

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Financial Quiz - 05

Today's Financial quiz is about Financial Management.

Enjoy it!

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Financial Quiz - 04

Back to the Monday financial quizzes!

Read on!!

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Financial Quiz - 03

This pop quiz concludes this month's quizzes.

Read on for last week's answers and the new series.

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Financial Quiz - 02

Time for another pop quiz.


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Financial Quiz - 01

I am starting a series of pop quizzes on select topics.

Let me know what you think.

Looking forward to having your feedback!

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Women In Business

Today is International Women’s Day and it’s also Financial Awareness article day.

It would be interesting to shed some light on how women do business.

Wanna know more? Read on to find out!

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Buying Property During A Recession

Economies are sluggish all over the world.

Many are wondering if it is the right time to buy property?

Read on to find out more!

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Article 8: Banking Charges

This week, I was asked several times about various bank charges and commissions.

So I thought this deserved an article to set things straight for a larger audience.

Read on to find out more!

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My Name is Bond ... Eurobond

In this short article, I expose what eurobonds are in a simple and understandable way.

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