The Unusual Journeys Of A Girl Like Any Other, Konstantina Sakellariou

Sunday, July 19, 2020

I met Konstantina in my home. And because our common friend had told her I am into books and traveling, she thought I would enjoy reading hers... and right she was! She had graciously told me a little about her book and itineraries over some wine. Enough for me to look eagerly forward to reading her travel memoir. As my guest for the evening, Konstantina and I found out that we shared several perspectives and maybe somehow similar life experiences. I am not a hiker and I did not trek myself up summits in the search of answers to the very existential and human question of "Who am I?" and still, I could relate to several of the lines of thoughts exposed.

It does take quite some courage to reject what had been a solid structure to how one perceives life in the quest for personal development, on the spiritual as much as the more materialistic levels. Konstantina depicts imageries in such a vivid and colorful way, that the reader cannot but read on. I firmly believe that there are no coincidences in life, and I think the author and I concur on this point. What might look like a mere fortuity to have started with a climb of Uhuru peak, that is Mount Kilimandjaro in Tanzania, is just the first grain of many for Konstantina. The harsh initiation leads to a series of explorations with the goal of understanding better. And in the end, finding balance is an exhilarating state. It is the capacity of feeling at peace from the inside out...

Whether you are on your own quest to get reconnected with your inner self or you just wish to read and find out more about the author's journeys, this book is a smooth and enjoyable read and a reminder, that no matter what we go through, we are not alone. Someone, somewhere, is living a similar event. And all living beings are by some means interconnected...

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