The 10-Minute Small Cutlery Tool

Friday, March 19, 2021

Sometimes, the most valuable tips for losing weight and controlling your food intake can only come to light when you start thinking out of the box. And, being a healthy foodie, I tend to behave as such. So here, I am sharing with you a very eye-opening tip that I use. I call it the 10-Minute Small Cutlery Tool.

So what is it all about?

It all started when I was at school. We were always in a hurry to eat our food within a 5 to an 8-minute window during the break. That's how the habit of eating fast was created and stuck with us.

And what does eating fast do? It keeps you hungry, and yes, you guessed it, you’ll overeat them like crazy.

So how do you exactly solve this?

It's so simple, you wouldn't believe it. Instead of using a normal-sized spoon, fork, and knife for lunch and dinner, go for smaller ones. In this case, the number of bites for the same portion of food will increase by at least 50%. And yes, this is double the time you usually finish your plate in. So try this out. Anything between 10 to 20 minutes to finish a proper meal is good enough, as it allows you to digest better. So if you average 6 minutes now, you’ll then average 12. And that is definitely a major improvement!

Try it out and let me know your feedback!


Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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