Recycling 101 - Basics

Monday, December 5, 2022

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Earth is a generous host to our human species. It provides us with resources, most of which are not infinite. And we are tightly connected to it. This explains that humans need to respect and protect their environment to avoid cataclysmic consequences. I am not an advocate of alarming climate changes that are looming above our heads and would extinct humanity within the next X number of years. Not at all. I rather preach that by appreciating nature and all it provides, we can live in harmony and ensure a not-so-grim future.

One of the ways of keeping the balance is to recycle. Let's start with the basics.

What is it to recycle? It is simply the process of collecting and transforming what otherwise would have been trashed into a new item. Recycling is not the same as upcycling, which will be discussed in a different post. Some items cannot be recycled but should be disposed of in a specific way. I am thinking of medical waste and batteries and electronics here.

What do we recycle? Paper and cardboard, all sorts of hard plastics, glass, metal, aluminum, and organic leftovers.

How do we recycle? The easiest and simplest way is to start sorting the trash at home. You can also do that at work. Then either drop off the sorted recyclable trash at a specialized facility or request their pick up. Yes, we do have such services in Lebanon now!

While it might sound and seem complex at the beginning, when you get more conscious about recycling and the environment, you will enjoy the little gestures that make a big difference. Like for instance going to the grocery store with your reusable tote bag instead of coming back home with a dozen plastic bags that cannot be recycled anyway. Or requesting a paper bag to carry your items. Or walk around the block to get your veggies instead of jumping in your car to do so. Or buying a shampoo/soap/detergent that is made of natural components and hence doesn't harm the soil. There are so many simple ways to be gentle to our habitats!

Happy recycling 🌱♻️🌱

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