Peppermint, A Delicious Herb With Health Benefits

Friday, July 2, 2021
Peppermint tea,

Native to Europe and the Middle East, peppermint is a herb, bread as a hybrid between spearmint and water mint. It is commonly used as a fragrance or oil, a chest rub and even in some cremes. It is often consumed in teas, foods and desserts for its strong, refreshing flavor. Check some of its health benefits in the following list:

It might treat fungal and bacterial infections

It clears nasal blockage and heals respiratory problems

It relaxes sore muscles and improves energy

It soothes headaches and treats menstrual cramps

It relieves colic and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

It increases blood circulation and regulates heart rate

It is used to eliminate dandruff and breath odor.


Are there any negative side effect to consuming peppermint?

When pregnant or breastfeeding, women should be careful to avoid consuming too much peppermint

It's advisable to keep infants and young children away from peppermint

Diabetic people should be careful when consuming peppermint as it lowers sugar levels

Excessive dosage of peppermint could lead to kidney failure

Overusing peppermint oil can lead to skin rashes


In the end, peppermint can be considered a medicinal efficient herb. However, please beware if you suffer from Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and/or are taking some medications. You should consult your physician before you use peppermint in any form. You might be allergic to it or it might interact with some drugs, like cyclosporine and Pepcid.

Have a refreshing flint.. I mean mint 😜

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