Pão De Batata

Friday, March 11, 2022


2 large potatoes, boiled and mashed

20 grams of fresh yeast, if you use dry yeast, 10 grams should do

1 teaspoon of sugar, I replace it with agave nectar

1 teaspoon of salt

200 ml of milk, I use half skimmed

4 cups of all-purpose flour

3 leveled teaspoons of butter

1-2 egg yolks

1/4 cup of vegetable oil

Sesame seeds to taste

Optional filling: cheese, shredded olives, spread cheese with herbs


In a large bowl mix combine sugar and yeast well before adding the eggs and whisking until you have a smooth batter.

Add the butter, oil, salt, mashed potatoes and mix again.

Add the flour, mix everything and add the milk gradually while kneading the dough. This can be done manually or with your kitchen appliance.

Knead the dough well until it is very smooth and homogeneous.

If necessary, add a little more flour. The potato-based dough tends to be stickier, so be careful not to add too much flour.

Cover the dough and let it rest for about 10 minutes before dividing it into balls of the desired size.

You can be done at this stage or you can add a filling of cheese, olives, or maybe a mix of cheese and herbs to your liking.

Place in your mold and cover with a fabric cloth and let it rest for about 45 minutes.

Sprinkle some sesame on top and brush the buns with the egg yolk. If you prefer an egg-free bake, like I do, spray/brush some melted butter on top for a golden color and a crispy feel.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 35 minutes or until golden. The interior will be fluffy and the crust will be crunchy.

Bon appétit 😋😋

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