Low-Cost And Environmental Dishwashing

Monday, March 21, 2022

I am a little picky when it comes to cleanliness. And I do not like my dishes to smell of food. Oh, don't get me wrong! I am a foodie at heart, and I love the looks, flavors, and aromas. But my understanding of a clean plate or pot is that it doesn't have a scent of what was had in it... Like so many others, I used to buy my dishwashing products from the supermarket, preferably lime-scented, so that a sense of freshness is preserved at all times. And since I am very aware that chemicals harm our environment, I always do my best to reduce my polluting imprint. I first learned from my sister to use coarse sea salt in my dishwashing water so that any glass item would still be shining and spotless. Most of the tap water in Lebanon is hard, and dishwashing machines need regular maintenance to keep running smoothly. This was not enough for me as I wanted to replace the chemical, industrial liquids with a less aggressive product for both my skin and nature. After a lot of research, I found a soap block made by a Canadian company, The Block and Co. This block or bar is free of dyes or fragrances and will hence be gentle on your hands. It's vegan, biodegradable, and very easy to use: with a little water, rub your brush or sponge on it and wash your dishes as usual. You can also use it on your carpets, your counters, and the stains on your laundry! Our grandmothers probably used to use a similar natural cleaner. So why not resort to what science has concocted to maximize efficiency while preserving harmony with our world?

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