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Most of us quote René Descartes on his Cogito, ergo sum - I Think, therefore I am. So? What does it really mean and what am I referring to by using the term Cogito?

As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, Cogito represents the intellectual processes of the self.

Hence in this section, I include a first series on financial awareness by presenting complex concepts in a simple and accessible way. I additionally contemplate daily situations in "This And That". Starting January 2021, my FB campaign of “How Can I Help You” is now also published here and advertised on social media. Curious enough to know more? Feel free to read and comment :)

Are Aphids Good Or Bad?

Aphids are considered to be a nuisance in our gardens.

But are they? Do they play a positive or a negative role?

Read on to find out more and how to keep your plants healthy!

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How To Naturally Get Rid Of... Ants

It's summer. The weather is hot. It's also bound to get humid.

And that's one of the reasons you might see more insects in your home/kitchen.

Ants are bound to invite themselves into your space and scout for their winter stocks.

Hereafter, several ways to get rid of them naturally.

Read on to find out more!

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Day 187 of Year 3

It’s so easy to focus on what separates us. “Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and truth” 1 John 3:18

because actions are always louder than mere words…

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Day 365 of Year 3

Tonight, on the third year and 365th day, I write the last post of the How Can I Help You campaign… The past 3 years have made this project evolve. I’m quite proud of what it has become. And also grateful for all the feedback I received.

Because life has always been a good teacher to me, and sometimes quite a tough one, it is time to close this chapter, which was rewarding in so many aspects, and to try something new...

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Day 364 of Year 3

I think most of us are happy 2021 is almost over.

It’s been quite challenging and full of lessons.

Because each end signals a new beginning.

I’ll drink to this.

Cheers 🍸

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Day 363 of Year 3

In view of the mass psychosis ruling the world at this moment… can sanity return to an insane world? Who decides what is sane and what is not? Can we assert that sanity is not boring? 🤔🤔🤔

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Day 362 of Year 3

The saying goes: Ideology is a poor substitute for kindness and decency. At the end of the day, it’s our actions, not our beliefs, that define who we are… what do you think?

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Day 361 of Year 3

Rest in eternal Light, Desmond Tutu!

Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need for one another…

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Day 360 of Year 3

Open your soul to silence. To hear it speak and explore new possibilities …

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Day 359 of Year 3

December 25 is a special day to me.

First, it’s Jesus’ birthday and it also happens to be dad’s…

Thank you for inspiring me, along with mom, to become the best woman I can be.

Love you to the moon and back, dad!

 wish you health, happiness and blessings 🤗

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Day 358 of Year 3

May the Lord grant us peace and renew our energy for the years ahead 🙏🏻

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Day 357 of Year 3

Everybody is hustling around. Last minute preparations and gifts have to be secured. Have we posed for a moment to remember the essence of this Holy Day? Have we thought of the countless people who cannot afford a warm meal, or even have a roof over their heads?…

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