Ever since the Game of Thrones (GoT) series enthralled the public all over the world, many writers aspired to create a series with a similar hype to captivate our attention. This fantasy show does not come close. It is however intriguing as it tackles class oppression and segregation, social and racial issues, and political elitism. Mainly set in a Victorian-like city, the Burgue, the Dickensian plot unveils mythological creatures trapped in what modern times often deem as conflicting situations of love and hatred, betrayal and loyalty. Humans and fae-folk, as well as fauns, kobolds, and other creatures and mix-breeds apparently used to co-exist peacefully. Until power struggles, social regulations, and murders come into sight. It is then that war trenched humans against the other beings and a third "side" appeared later on with promises of a "New Dawn" looming for a brighter and more just future. The final episodes seem a bit rushed and keep a sort of opening for a possible third season. Or not. What's sure is that the main cast was well-chosen. Orlando Bloom as Rycroft Philostrate and Cara J. Delevingne as Vignette Stonemoss represent the backbone of the story. When the second season got started and the action was a bit slow/flat, it was Philo and Vini who kept me watching. Not that I was bored. But the first season fascinated me with all I had to grasp to make sense of the universe I was immersing myself in. It wasn't until almost the middle of season 2 that the narrative got spiced up with the revelation of the New Dawn philosophy. I recommend watching Carnival Row for the storyline that can make you think and draw parallels to today's world of affairs. Enjoy!