Baking Soda Or Sodium Bicarbonate

Monday, April 4, 2022

Baking soda is called sodium bicarbonate in the UK. Both terms are basically the same. And this is another cheap household item that has many useful applications.

You may not know this but your grandparents surely did: baking soda can be used as a mouthwash and a teeth whitener. You can also make a natural deodorant with it. Since baking soda neutralizes odors instead of masking them, I have some in my fridge to keep it smelling fresh. You can also use it as a garbage stench neutralizer. It is also a safe alternative to air fresheners since it doesn't include industrial chemicals. I will add a short method of how to make your own freshener at the end of this post. Baking soda also whitens and cleans laundry. If you ever spilled oil over your favorite shirt or pants, remain calm and sprinkle some on the stain and let it dry before washing it. Like white vinegar, read my post published earlier here, baking soda can cleanse tiles, toilets, and showers easily. You can polish silverware with it, how grand is that? You can also use it to revamp your leather jacket or dry clean your sofa. I used it to refresh my mattresses when I moved them out of storage to my home.

Baking soda is also helpful when it comes to heartburn as it neutralizes stomach acids. It may soothe canker sores and relieve sunburn. Mom used to mix it with cornstarch and rose water whenever I came back with red skin from a day playing out as a child... Some people use it to remove calluses. Just remember that baking soda should NOT be used on glass surfaces, aluminum, stainless steel, marble, wood, and silverware. If you decide to use it on your skin or hair, be aware that it will neutralize the acid levels and you will end up with very dry skin and your hair will be stripped of its natural oils.

Now that you have an idea about the versatility of baking soda, let's make an air freshener!

Get a small glass jar and place 1/3 cup of baking soda in it. Add about 15 drops of essential oil and mix them well. Cover the jar with a cloth or paper and secure it with a string. Place it in the room of your choosing. When the aroma starts to lessen, shake the jar. 

Happy eco-cleaning 🍃🌱

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