Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

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Lewis Carrol’s novel was first published in 1865. Those who haven’t read the book probably watched its Disney contemporary adaptation (1951) or a live performance of it as there have been many ever since the first edition came out to the light. Most of us know the tale of bored Alice who falls down a rabbit hole. The little girl steps into a fantasy world, inhabited by unusual creatures and where strange things occur. She encounters a special caterpillar, the lively Queen, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and of course the Cheshire Cat.

Discussing Covid times with friends since the whole frenzy took over the planet, we concluded that humanity had been catapulted down a hole, very similar to that rabbit hole Alice fell into, as we are constantly bombarded with information, a lot of which is not even remotely accurate or "scientific" as claimed. Many times, we feel just like Alice, trapped in a world of absurdity, full of syllogisms and bizarre occurrences. Can you imagine that an entity as small as a virus, and not even as lethal as the flu, had the power to lock down entire nations and businesses, that people were sequestrated, a lot willingly (!), while many started to experience an awakening when it came to what is, in fact, essential to our lifestyles. Since the beginning of the whole craze, many have been conditioned to mask up, have their forehead "gunned" when all scientific evidence spoke and is saying it is not healthy, and have chosen to abide by nonsensical regulations just because they were afraid to die. Or maybe because they thought compliance was ok to be exchanged against "freedom"... Alice also faces a new environment. She is discovering a new place, with new rules, and is dumbfounded to watch a race where the animals run in circles and with no winners in the end. Haven't you felt like a hamster on a wheel in the past 2 years wondering if your life had a meaning or whether the human rat race was in vain? A favorite passage in this regard is when the Queen of Hearts shares this wonderful advice to help Alice on the chessboard: "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!" Didn't you at least feel that once during this whole masquerade named Covid? Have you considered doing anything about it? Keep in mind that it all starts with a thought...

Moreover, the scenes where Alice resizes herself to fit in the multiple realities challenging her can be an enticement to each one of us to harmonize ourselves with our environment. This doesn't mean that we should be chameleons or that we need to lose our own identity. It just is our motivation to see ourselves within the environment we live in, including the species present in it. In other words, forget about social distancing and not hugging your friends and loved ones! This is total BS and one of the conditioning methods to make us lose our humanity. Humans are beings of community. They thrive with and around other humans, even the most introverted of them. And I can tell you about that, believe me! This implies that we cannot but embrace change. It is inevitable. But our chains, societal or other, prevent us from growth, and ultimately fulfillment and happiness. Our human purpose in life is not our end destination: that is the grave for our bodily shapes. Nor a different realm if you consider our spirit and/or soul. It is simply in the way we journey through life. We don't need to control or plan. We don't need to worry about our place in the vast universe. Can't we just wander and enjoy every step of the way? Because "not all who wander are lost"... What shifts are required from each one of us? How can we collaborate in sharing and protecting the resources of Mother Earth and the Universe? Let those difficult moments that we all endured serve us as humans to elevate ourselves spiritually and mentally to become the best versions of what we want/can be…

As you have guessed, this is a highly recommended read that I have rediscovered lately 🙂

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It describe the ugly truth in an adventure way.

interesting comparison of what is happening nowadays

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