Advent Calendar Day 6: Amazonite

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 6: today's stone is an Amazonite or Amazon jade. It is also green and could be mistaken for a green aventurine -see yesterday's post here. So let's start with what sets these two stones apart: Amazonite is more blueish green in color and slightly more brittle than aventurine. Amazonite does not glitter like aventurine has from the metals in it and it will not allow light to come through it because of its opacity. It is thought to be a stone of hope that encourages you to pursue your dreams. It is called Stone of Courage or Stone of Truth as it is believed to empower you to discover your own integrity and provide harmony and balance ⚡️

This stone can be mined in various parts of the world, such as the United States of America, Russia, Madagascar, and Brazil, but not in the Amazon forest as its denomination might suggest. Considered a powerful talisman of healing and prosperity, it was used in jewelry and amulets in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. It is nowadays commonly employed for meditation, energy work, and crystal healing for its calming effect. It is an amazing electromagnetic smog filter, especially for those of us who work a lot with electronics such as computers, tablets, and phones. It is claimed to harmonize the yin and yang energies and to unleash your creative side ✨

The Amazonite, which is often referred to as a "gentle stone of courage and wisdom", is a crystal of peace, truth, and communication. It is supposed to stimulate health by activating the metabolism and promoting good sleep. It also appears to be beneficial to people suffering from gout issues, tooth decay, and osteoporosis. Hence, its association with both the heart and throat chakras ✨

Although Amazonite is not a traditional birthstone and no specific zodiac sign is connected to it, Virgos ♍️ can allegedly be calmed by it and both Aries ♈️ and Leos ♌️ are said to have strong affinities to it. Some healers use this stone to treat depression in Scorpios ♏️

Can't wait to discover what tomorrow's stone is: 7 is one of my favorite numbers 👻 !

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